SEPT 2009

SEPT 2009
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February 08, 2008

Sharing - Some of my favorite songs # 1

Here are some of the songs I listen to:

First from VLES (You can see the songs at my account, click here )
1. Sonic - Modrocket
2. Wet and Rusting - Menomena
3. Distantly - The Last Dance

Second are opening and ending themes of Animes: (You can download the songs at this site )

Anime: Bleach
1. Kansha - RSP
2. Rolling Star - Yui
3. Alones - Aqua Timez

Anime: Prince of Tennis
1. Walk On - Fujishige Masataka
2. Wonderful Days - Pulltab to Kan

Anime: Ghost in the Shell
1. Inner Universe - Origa

Anime: Gundam Zero (00)
1. Wana - The Back Horn

Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
1. God Knows - Aya Hirano

Anime: True Tears
1. Reflectia - Eufonius

Note: Please download at your own risk. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well i like sonic . This is very cool song.