This year, I got admission to a half marathon few days into January to challenge myself. It was a stale resolution from 2015 and I wanted it off my list; I can always choose the inevitable.
My goal is to finish it under or in 2 hours.
The week after, I got a minor knee injury in a sports collision. I did the proper RICE + medications. After 2 weeks, I played in an Ultimate disc tournament; I might have been at my 60%. I jumped and ran in the sands and shore.
I mostly cross-trained through cycling and Ultimate (disc sports), and started good nutrition pass halfway through preparations. I got a foam roller and a more optimistic/proactive perspective to help me complete this challenge.
Right now, I feel more confident in running when I wear knee support and when I am fully warmed up. I believe I perform better when I am truly warmed up.
A few days from now (less than four days), I would be running in it. My mindset has changed - I cannot finish this under two hours. I'll do that on my second take (when I'm much better than this year). For now, I aim to finish the whole race.
Today, I realized that preparation is key to a good foundation. When I took this as a challenge, I wasn't anxious that it is just around the corner or nervous feeling I didn't do enough. I know I didn't do enough. But, that's not the point. I got good immunity and body efficiency through vitamins(multi-B, C), supplements(ALA+Astaxanthin, Green Tea, adaptogens) and the "Myers' Cocktail" IV infusion (and a 21-in-1 herbal coffee). (Soon, I'll lay all this off because I'm worried on my kidneys.)
I think another key would be the mind. The mind is as strong as you think it to be. If you cannot imagine getting that medal or climbing that hill, then you are limited by your own imagination. You have to visualize to materialize. So far, I regularly kept playing maths & word games, doing puzzles and reading books; all to keep my mind sharp.
I got the pre-run jitters; my mind is saying "What am I going to do in all that silence?" or "What if I'm the slowest?" I feel that I might hurt my knee and have to walk all throughout, or not having enough energy for the whole race. How strong is my mind to go through the road less traveled in solitude; will I be able to focus on the road or the women. How far and how fast will my mind take me?
In this half marathon, I am looking forward to defeat myself. There should be no What-Ifs.
(Another update soon after the race; wish me luck)
"To become a better person, you have to challenge yourself.
In the end, whoever wins is you and whatever lost was you."
-- Imperfected Mind, 2016
My goal is to finish it under or in 2 hours.
The week after, I got a minor knee injury in a sports collision. I did the proper RICE + medications. After 2 weeks, I played in an Ultimate disc tournament; I might have been at my 60%. I jumped and ran in the sands and shore.
I mostly cross-trained through cycling and Ultimate (disc sports), and started good nutrition pass halfway through preparations. I got a foam roller and a more optimistic/proactive perspective to help me complete this challenge.
Right now, I feel more confident in running when I wear knee support and when I am fully warmed up. I believe I perform better when I am truly warmed up.
A few days from now (less than four days), I would be running in it. My mindset has changed - I cannot finish this under two hours. I'll do that on my second take (when I'm much better than this year). For now, I aim to finish the whole race.
Today, I realized that preparation is key to a good foundation. When I took this as a challenge, I wasn't anxious that it is just around the corner or nervous feeling I didn't do enough. I know I didn't do enough. But, that's not the point. I got good immunity and body efficiency through vitamins(multi-B, C), supplements(ALA+Astaxanthin, Green Tea, adaptogens) and the "Myers' Cocktail" IV infusion (and a 21-in-1 herbal coffee). (Soon, I'll lay all this off because I'm worried on my kidneys.)
I think another key would be the mind. The mind is as strong as you think it to be. If you cannot imagine getting that medal or climbing that hill, then you are limited by your own imagination. You have to visualize to materialize. So far, I regularly kept playing maths & word games, doing puzzles and reading books; all to keep my mind sharp.
I got the pre-run jitters; my mind is saying "What am I going to do in all that silence?" or "What if I'm the slowest?" I feel that I might hurt my knee and have to walk all throughout, or not having enough energy for the whole race. How strong is my mind to go through the road less traveled in solitude; will I be able to focus on the road or the women. How far and how fast will my mind take me?
In this half marathon, I am looking forward to defeat myself. There should be no What-Ifs.
(Another update soon after the race; wish me luck)
"To become a better person, you have to challenge yourself.
In the end, whoever wins is you and whatever lost was you."
-- Imperfected Mind, 2016