SEPT 2009

SEPT 2009
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March 03, 2008

Poem - Her Flower, My Drug

This is an impersonal poem but good (for me). And sorry if there are any misspelled words, I did this for around 15 minutes just to get a post into my blog. I’ll edit it before the next update. ^_^

Her Flower, My Drug

She held it close to her heart
As she dove down the cool waters
Towards Gaia from an endless ocean

A pinnacle where gods get cluttered
Like madmen and dim-witted hooligans
And where men’s eyes fall down

I fall to my knees, I crawl for it
My body hungers for my drug,
The only drug heaven can give

Flowers are all over my eyes yet
I can only go for the flower held
By the angel swimming across the sky

Let me go, oh Earth, let me swim
To your beloved Sky and let me
Touch her cradle, her embrace

Let me suck her flower’s honey
As vampires would do for blood
Let me breathe the air flowers grant

Lovely Sky, be my crevice to hide in
And show me the Eden of your flower
Let me exist in our ecstasy